KATALIN BARICZ1948 born in Lengyeltóti
1967-78 lab technician at the Hungarian Film
Laboratory and teaches at the Pratér utca Photography school
since 1974 regularly writes to magazines and is
since 1975 participates in the training of amateur photographers (Institute for Culture, Fôfotó)
since 1981 works as an individual artist
2005-2007 guest lecturer at Kaposvár University
1998 André Kertész Fellowship
2008 Grant from the National Association
of Hungarian Artists
1983 Székely Aladár Award
1998 Balogh Rudolf Award
2002 Nikon Award
2005 Grand Prize of Hungarian Photography
2006 Grand Prize of Photography from the
National Association of Hungarian Artists
2007 Distinguished Artist
Member of the Association of Hungarian Photographers and the National Association of Hungarian Artists
Individual exhibitions
1985 Létterek (Spaces of Existence) – Helikon Gallery, Budapest
1989 Szeretetotthon (Rest home) – Dorottya Gallery, Budapest
2001 Párizs – Fonyód (Paris - Fonyód) – Mai Manó
Gallery, Budapest
2003 For You – Hungarian Cultural Center in Prague
2005 Apám kertje (My Father’s Garden) – Museum of Fonyód
2006 Természetem (My Nature) – Hungarian House
of Photography, Budapest
2008 Eszencia (Essence) – Kossuth Movie Theater
(Kamaraterem), Mohács
2008 INDEX – Klebelsberg Cultural Centre, Budapest
2010 GENE – Hungarian House of Photography, Budapest
Art pieces in collections
Hungarian Museum of Photography, Kecskemét
Publications (books, albums)
Elsô nagyításaim (My First Magnifications) (Bp., 1976)
Elsô felvételeim (My First Shots) (Bp., 1982)
Tükör (Mirror) (Bp., 1999)
Szubjektív napló (Subjective Diary) (Bp., 2001)
For you – Majdnem egyedül (For You) (Bp., 2003)
Apám kertje (My Father’s Garden) (Bp., 2004)
Természetem (My Nature) (Bp., 2005)
Médium (Medium) (Bp., 2008)